It is suitable to record voice recordings, MP3 playing, and sound repetition. AthTek Voice Recorder Free AthTek Voice Recorder Download for Free AthTek Voice Recorder software is a no-cost audio software. It is a good idea to check any downloaded files via the Internet using a trusted antivirus program. TRIAL AthTek voice recorder software is an audio application that works with Windows Mobile. The Voice Recorder is a Windows mobile application. Windows users who want to experience funny sounds with the recordings they make. Athtek Free Voice Changer FeaturesīlockedIt’s extremely likely that this program is infected with malware or undesirable software. This is the complete installation setup for offline installations that run on PC. The most current version of AthTek Free Voice Changer is 1.5 and is the most recent version we have checked since the last time we checked. Downloads that are completely unmodified, with no installers with download managers, no installers, and no ads. We do not support or support using this software when it is in contravention of the laws. The laws regarding how to use this program differ from one country to the next.